Monday, July 23, 2012

Cook's Favorites

Shock! I know, I know. It has been forever! Burn out and being busy are my excuses.

I have been traveling so much that when I am home, I am ready to cook. I LOVE Jacques Pepin! Next to Julia Child, he is my favorite. I have watched all his shows in the past. He has had teaching shows with Julia, by himself and even with his daughter. I purchased his newest cookbook back in May and have been saving it until recently. I am like my mom in that I love to read cookbooks! We may not cook anything out of them, but we will read, tab, make menus and pour through them. It is very relaxing. This one has 700 of his favorites and Monsieur Pepin has a DVD in the back of this cookbook that is AMAZING! I want to get a DVD player to put in my kitchen so I can watch it over and over again while I cook. He teaches the basics of good French cooking. Simple, short and to the point. I love this book!

 The other book that I have been enjoying and have just read the first five chapters is Tamar Adler's The Everlasting Meal, Cooking with Economy and Grace. The two books are very similar. Both encourage to use what you have in your refrigerator, use good ingredients and enjoy yourself while you  cook it.

Both are excellent.


Anonymous said...

Jul, I am so glad you are back! Sorry it took me so long to discover. I have opened your blog from time to time, just not lately. Love you, Mom.

Anonymous said...

Have enjoyed all of your new posts and intend to visit your blog more often. Love you.