Tuesday, November 10, 2009

It's too easy to fall into the pit of self-pity isn't it? I felt like I had been hovering there for a while this past week and a bad cold never seems to help the situation does it. Yesterday I was rescued by my Monday morning group that has been on hiatus through the summer and resumed yesterday. Oh and right on time too. Elaine had a roaring fire in the fireplace, tea and jam and lots of love to go around. We were missing one precious soul, but four of us were so thrilled to be together once again.

We caught up with what was going on in our lives...pure honesty...not just oh I'm fine, and you?...but true love and sharing of each others burdens. Then....we prayed...for one another, for our children, for our husbands.

Sometimes it's easy to forget we are this side of heaven. It's not supposed to be perfect here. But there is a grand Prize isn't there...so we hold on...to each other...to Him.

I felt renewed by yesterday. My batteries were recharged and we all hope to have good things to tell each other the next time we are together. How we have prayed and waited on Him, answers given, encouraging those around us...sharing the love.

1 comment:

Leslie said...

I Love You SIS!!