Friday, November 6, 2009

My Daily Walk

This past week I finished the first two "Mark of the Lion" Francine Rivers books in a series of three. I am taking a short break from the third one so I can digest the first two. Powerful, awe-inspiring, anointing, painful, joyful are just a few of the words used to describe it. I have been comparing a lot of my reading to the books now and lots do not even to begin to measure up. Do I want this in my head? Is this uplifting? What would Hadassah think? Is this going to improve my relationship with the Lord?

I've lately been in a place where I NEED inspiring, uplifting literature. Scripture to write on my heart, where I can pull it out and use it against the spiritual warfare that I fight daily.

Listening to Beth Moore's Esther cd's as I drive in to pick up Sav in!...fabulous! Leslie is doing it in her Bible study in Georgia, Jodie with her church girls and Elaine with her young girls. I had to see what all the fuss was about and I will probably listen to it over and over and over again.

I lent Mindy my 'Stepping Heavenward' book by Elizabeth Prentiss. It is also one to read over and over again. Can't wait to hear what she thought of it.

Just a few notes on what I have been up to lately...trying to stay in the Word...makes a big difference.


Mindy said...

Amen, Sister!!!

I love you!

Leslie said...

I am finding that now more than ever, when I stay in the Word,I am comforted beyond measure. We all need encouragement , and what better place to find it.
I love You sis!!!

Jo said...

There is too much of the good
material out there to spend time
on anything less than encouraging.
I like the joyful, happy things

that remind me of you.