Saturday, August 9, 2008

A Lovely Saturday

The past two days have been heavenly with the cooler breezes.  It makes the coming of Autumn most welcome.  I have been so thankful for the rain we have gotten this summer also, compared to the brittle and dry one last year.

Leslie and I got up this morning and went to the farmer's market here in Franklin.  It is fun to watch the people sorting and searching for delicious vegetables and fruits.  Our market grows every year and more and more people are finding it. 

People carrying their reusable bags and thinking about what they will be serving at the family table. I am a firm believer in the family dinner table.  I believe a lot of problems are solved and are never begun because of the time together around the table.

There is always music at the farmers market too.  Bluegrass music. Today there were a group of boys by the name of 'The Howling Brothers.' Tragic Mountain Songs. Don't you love that?  Leslie and I were very impressed.  We bought one of their home-made CD's and we both believe we will be hearing more music from them one day.  

1 comment:

McCullough Family said...

I believe in the dinner table too! I grew up in a family that ate dinner together (at the table) - what great memories I have and will cherish forever.